Thursday, March 5, 2009

How to avoid feeling drowsy after lunch.. I really need that.. :(

1. Change your diet. Different people will give you different opinions on just how to change your diet to increase energy, but if food makes you tired it's a good bet that food is where the answer is.

2. Eat low-carb food for lunch. You will feel more awake. Post-lunch drowsiness is caused by your body being flooded with insulin to process that carb-rich lunch you just ate.

3. Alternatively, don't eat meat, at least not for lunch. Some people are very certain about the connection between meat and being tired.)

4. Avoid caffeine and processed sugars. (Caffeine gives you an energy boost, followed by a crash that is hard to recover from. Processed sugars are too easily absorbed by the body and tend to pass right through you, burning up quickly and leaving your body starved for energy.)

5. Eat a nutritional lunch, high in vitamins. Vitamins help make your body healthy, and can help you feel healthy and energised.

6. Don't overeat. A small meal should not make you drowsy.

7. Eat many, smaller portions. Snack on healthy food throughout the day instead of eating a lot at once.

8. Do some light exercise after lunch. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, do a few jumping jacks in the restroom, whatever you can think of. This will help get your blood flowing and will reduce fatigue.

9. Get plenty of sleep at night. Even if you have a low spot in the afternoon, it won't be as low if you are well rested.

10. Notice what habits make you sleepy. Write down whether you feel drowsy. Then, write down what you ate, whether you exercised, how well you slept, and any other factors that might have been involved. Then, look for patterns and avoid any habits that cause problems.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ways to sleep in office.. tip #1 :)

Open a work description on the laptop, code screen on desktop. Hold a notepad in your one hand and rest your head on second and you are set to sleep.. :)
Don't forget to point your back towards cubical entrance :p
Sweet dreams :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I am weak, I can't be strong

I don’t have to be weak,
As she lost someone who loved her so dearly.

I can’t afford to be weak
this will make her realize she still can hurt me

I should not be weak
I have a life ahead to live

I have to be strong
To face the world

I got to be strong
To keep on moving

I should be strong
To tell the world, I can live

but I am weak, I can’t be strong
Body without soul is not alive.

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