Thursday, February 12, 2009

The nightmare of a software engineer came true.

Are you a software engineer? No? yes? Anyways, who ever you are but you must be aware of what the biggest nightmare a software engineer can have in this time of recession. There is this critical delivery tomorrow and I have been working on this since last 2 months. If I fail to deliver it on time you can just think of what the consequences could be.
Tomorrow I have to tell the so called managers that I am done with all the code and the application is ready to be dispatched.
You have given your day and night coding that 17k-18k lines of code in 2-3 files for no less than two months thinking this will keep you safe in these bad times for software industry. You are about to save the final file after cleaning up the stray code, adding up the comments so that your code is understandable by other person, adding more log messages so that while the application is running people know whats doing on, adding more debug messages, doing fine code indentations and all sort of things having a feeling of achievement.
On the VI editor, you gave the command to save your file and you are just about to do the final compile and the test run and you see a red message at the bottom of the screen. VI flashing a file save error. It says, Fsync failed. I do not understand what it means. I really don't know. I tried several times everytime it says the same error. I tried all sort of things. Making a new file to save but it is not saving it.
Finally I tried just to quit the file without saving my final touchings to the code which I was trying to save. And then it happened. The VI editor flashed error message the original file lost. I got scared. I reopened the file and there. It was EMPTY. Literally empty with zero columns, zero rows and a file of zero bytes.
My two months got lost in just 2 minutes. What I am gonna show tomorrow? Nothing?
I am dead man. I am literallly dead. God save me please.
No option left but to recode all the shit lines. Just not getting the courage to start with the code.
Please pray for me guys. Or I am dead. :(

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